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Yduqs shines in UN Global Compact awards for racial equity initiatives

Two Yduqs initiatives promoting racial equity were recognized last Thursday (03/14) with awards for best practices by the UN Global Compact in Brazil. Yduqs' Trainee Program, exclusive to Black and Brown individuals, and the continuous evolution of the company's goals to accelerate the representation of Black people in leadership positions stood out among the best practices of the "Race is a Priority" Movement. Yduqs won two out of four categories of the award, highlighting its commitment to combating racism.

The award ceremony took place in New York, at the UN headquarters, during the 68th CSW (Commission on the Status of Women), an instance dedicated to discuss the rights of women and girls worldwide. Representing Yduqs were Cláudia Romano, president of the Yduqs Institute and VP of the Yduqs group; Joice Portella, Yduqs' ESG manager; and Fernanda Vianna, Yduqs' Organizational Development and Diversity manager.

In 2023, Yduqs joined the "Race is a Priority" and "Women Lead" movements, aimed at engaging companies with goals to accelerate the 2030 agenda. In the same year, the company also became an ambassador of the Educa2030 Movement. All of this reinforces the company's commitment to promoting a more equitable world through education. In 2022, the company launched its 24 ESG goals, including increasing the number of Black individuals in teaching positions by 3 percentage points and increasing the number of Black individuals in leadership positions by 5 percentage points.

“It's amazing to see how all the genuine effort we put in ends up generating tangible results. Over the past three years, we have immersed ourselves in ESG management, especially through our committee, where we have the participation of exceptional professionals from the Yduqs team, always supported by our CEO, Eduardo Parente, and my fellow VPs, in all their activities and decisions. I want to emphasize the fundamental importance of combating racial inequality and structural racism. Diversity is an intrinsic part of our DNA at Yduqs, and all the initiatives we promote are fully aligned with our values and objectives as a company. For us, it is an honor to receive this recognition,” highlights Cláudia Romano.

Trainee program and affirmative career acceleration policies at Yduqs Yduqs'

Trainee Program, exclusive to Black people, stood out among the best practices of the "Race is a Priority" Movement, in the category "Promoting education, training, and development of Blacks and Indigenous peoples within the organization." The Program is one of the most comprehensive career accelerators in the sector. Its main objective is to identify, train, and develop future leaders not only for Yduqs, but for the entire educational sector. The last edition had approximately 12 thousand applicants, highlighting the program's consolidation in the market.

The continuous evolution of goals for Black people in leadership positions at the company stood out in the category "50% of Black or Indigenous individuals in leadership positions by 2030." Currently, Yduqs has 40.1% of Black and Brown individuals in leadership positions. Among teachers, this percentage is 35.3%, a result 106% higher than expected for the year.

“This is a recognition of our commitment to creating a space where every individual is valued and respected, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic. Our journey began approximately two years ago, with a lot of passion, a desire to make it work, and the certainty that we are making a huge impact on society. With this award in such a short time, it inspires us to continue advancing and promoting inclusion in all its forms. I also wanted to thank the commitment of each of our employees, who embrace this cause daily. This award is ours, and together, we will continue to make a difference,” highlights Renata Mendonça.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey at Yduqs

The company's Diversity and Inclusion initiatives are grouped into a solid Diversity program, entitled "Including to Transform," which brings together a series of strategic initiatives aimed at transforming the workplace into a more inclusive space. Through actions such as Affinity Groups, Diversity ENPS, extended home office after parental leave, and the Yellow Card, the company not only promotes equity internally but extends its commitment to the entire society. Additionally, Yduqs integrates the iDiversa, the B3 Diversity index.

“Yduqs' journey in pursuit of a more diverse company and the promotion of equality for all has been long-standing and, in recent years, has become increasingly consistent. These recognitions reinforce our position of pioneering and show that our commitments are indeed reflected in actions. We want to be an inspiration to many other companies and evolve more and more in our sustainable management, which has people at the center of everything,” points out Joice Portella, Yduqs' ESG manager.